This article describes where bidders can track events they are currently participating in on
This article contains the following sections:
Event Tracking
The Event Tracking section of MyProxibid displays how many events a bidder has been approved, pending, or declined for.
Log into Proxibid by clicking the Sign In link on the top right corner of the page and entering the Email Address (or Username) and Password associated with the account.
- To reset the password associated with the account, click the Forgot Password link.
- For additional login assistance, please contact Proxibid directly.
- Select MyProxibid from the drop-down in the top right corner of the page.
- On the Dashboard, click on the View Events link located in the Event Tracking box or Events on the left-hand sidebar.
A list of events will appear. Events will be removed from the list the day after the auction event ends.
- Active events are listed in order of their end date and time.
- To view the details of an event, click on the title of the event.
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